Laish Quartet - Laish Quartet

>> zaterdag 18 oktober 2008

Op verzoek van de artiest in het Engels.

The vibrant musical scene in Brighton so far only drew our attention to the gorgeous record of The Miserable Rich. Few would know that together with their friends they form a hand full of bands that frequently collaborate in producing some of the most astonishing music around. Most convene in the Willkommen Collective that really deserves to break out of its obviously inspiring lingering and cross the sea to us. One of these groups is the Laish Quartet. Comprised of varying musicians, at the centrefold stands Daniel Green (acoustic guitar and vocals). The music is mostly acoustically played with sparse elements of percussion and sampling. There’s no luring you with musical tricks, but carefully considered sincere sentiments and visions. Spacious compositions with subtle build-ups are a trademark for their compositions. Soon you find yourself captured in the comfortable, intense and warm atmosphere, that even in emotionally laden moments achieves in giving you a great feeling. The Liash Quartet is true to folk and classical traditions, but cast into a compact format resembling that of pop. With the sparkling tranquillity of plucking in the background the dreamy bronze timbre in the voice of Daniel has a mesmerising effect. Their relaxed focus on the beauty of compositions creates elusive moments like dusk and dawn coincided unexpectedly.

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