Launch of Mentifacts
>> maandag 30 januari 2012
As this blog was always about in depth pieces on music I find worthy of writing about, changes in my professional life have made it an undesirably quiet place. Though I won't be shutting it down (900+ posts should be enough content to justify keeping it up for a while) I will be concentrating my contribution to the music world in microblog format at the newly started microblog Mentifacts. Mentifacts is not just me, but I hope to be contributing regularly with thoughts on music. I might return here every once in a while to give something some in depth attention, but clearly can't claim to be on top of things here anymore. Hope you'll find your way to Mentifacts and find it a quick and easy way to some opinionated stuff.
Ik ga ervan uit dat Engels voldoende toegankelijk is voor de Nederlandstalige lezer. Het zal de voertaal zijn van Mentifacts.